Cheers to us!
queo lands at the top of the kununu ranking
It takes a pretty good joke to get Lena to smile from ear to ear. Or the following highlight: queo lands in the top positions of the kununu ranking for employee satisfaction in several categories. As the only East German agency in the top 20.

With more than 3,400 reviews from employees of owner-managed agencies, the ranking includes 20 companies. 9 of which are based in Hamburg alone. Hard and soft satisfaction factors from the popular kununu platform were evaluated based on 4 main categories: Career/salary, company culture, work environment and diversity. The ranking is more than just a factual and quantitative analysis of German agencies. The data comes from kununu reviews by queos and former colleagues. That is, right from the heart of our work culture.
“I am happy that we are in second place in the corporate culture category. I am proud that we are in first place in the diversity and work environment categories. Especially as the only agency from the new federal states in the ranking.“
(Lena Best, Director Corporate Development, queo)
The diversity category consists of evaluations on equality and the treatment of older colleagues. In the working environment category, working conditions and our environmental/social awareness were rated by queos. We are also right at the forefront in the corporate culture category, achieving second place. The evaluation takes aspects such as working atmosphere, communication, team spirit and managerial behaviour into account.
With a total of 95 data sets from queo evaluations between September 2011 and April 2021, it is clear we are looking at a great plenty of perspectives, criticism and feedback accumulated over a ten-year period. In this respect, being at the top in three categories is a great achievement for us.

In the overall rating of the ranking, we come in fourth. Right next to the Pilot Agency Group, the Hirschen Group and Serviceplan. Cheers for us and a reason to celebrate!
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