Sustainable together: Stumbling block or milestone?

Standing still is not our thing. With 20 years of experience in the market, it is a matter of course for us to work at the cutting edge. Trends come and go. But for us, sustainability does not end up in the "passing hype" box.

It is a corporate goal that we have long been firmly committed to at queo. Striving to constantly achieve more for our partners, customers, employees and a healthy environment, we are committed to sustainable action in all its dimensions. Today. Tomorrow. And in the future - we want to make our contribution.

Unsere 40-jährige Mitarbeiterin erläutert ihre Gedanke. Im Hintergrund sitzt ein Mann, der ihr interessiert zuhört.

"We've been focusing on clever and sustainable solutions from the start. However, we're aware that there's still more potential to explore – and we're ready to tackle it. Together with our dedicated team, loyal customers, and reliable suppliers, we're facing the challenges ahead. We've already achieved some successes and are working hard on achieving more."

Karin Tautenhahn, Sustainability Manager


Our path to sustainability

Since its founding in 2004, sustainability has been a core focus of queo: Well-being and safety in the workplace shaped the corporate culture, sustainability criteria were taken into account in the performance and innovative strength as well as growth led to queo's future viability.

However, there was a lack of a unified guideline – if you will, a tangible document. That's why in the summer of 2022, we sat down together and launched the "Sustainable queo" initiative – including a sustainability strategy.

Our big five of sustainability

On our journey towards sustainability, we focus on five areas that harmonize ecology, economy, and society.

Zwei unserer Mitarbeiter sitzen nebeneinander. Mit einem Lächeln auf dem Gesicht.

Corporate culture and employees

Growing without satisfied employees: That is neither possible nor sensible. That's why we focus on employee development, participation, inclusion and fairness in the workplace. Healthy cooperation takes centre stage.

Ein Mann fährt mit seinem Fahrrad am Flussufer entlang. Er steht im Fokus, während seine Umgebung und andere Menschen unscharf an ihm vorbeiziehen..

Internal ecological sustainability

Resources are precious. That's why we've pulled the plug internally and switched to sustainable alternatives. Air travel has given way to rail travel, queos can cycle to work and we are increasingly relying on green electricity. Responsible Business Practices

In einem Konferenzraum findet ein Seminar statt. Das Publikum blickt gespannt auf den Vortragenden und die zwei großen Monitoren, auf denen eine Präsentation zu sehen ist.

Responsible business practices

We bear responsibility – for our employees, customers, and suppliers! The logical consequence: we focus on fair working conditions, transparency for all parties involved, and adhere to a code of conduct.

Sustainable customer relations

We maintain successful relationships with our customers. Our goal is to grow together. But not at any cost! Therefore, we promote sustainable thinking and actions in customer projects.

Future viability

Sustainability is our future. To achieve this, we need to make the right adjustments in the here and now. Long-term growth, innovative strength and the digitalisation of work processes are the first starting points.

Supplier code of conduct at queo

We are setting out. Our goal: acting sustainable. Only suppliers who are equally committed to social, ecological and economic sustainability will accompany us on this journey. We have drawn up a number of criteria for assessing sustainability.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Do you have any questions? I'll be happy to answer!

Karin Tautenhahn
Director Business Development & Sustainability Manager
+49 351 21 30 38