United, there is always a way forward. We are queo, and we believe in the power of a shared journey. This is why we are dedicated to progress and finding solutions to significant challenges – always in collaboration.

New Work is more than just a buzzword to us – it is the essence of our corporate culture. In a world constantly evolving due to global challenges like demographic shifts, climate crisis, and automation, the labor market is continuously transforming. We advocate for continual adaptation in response to these changes and have committed ourselves to actively shaping the future of work. We strongly believe in individual responsibility for oneself, one's team, organization, and society.

Our new work philosophy

New Work, to us, is a mindset centered on the ongoing evolution of work organization and employee involvement.

Traditional notions of work organization are often insufficient for solving today's complex problems, and a need for new answers arises. As one example, due to demographic developments and the resulting scarcity of skilled workers, we are no longer referring to an employer's market but an employee's market, in which employees are making more conscious and differentiated decisions when choosing an employer.

We believe that prioritizing employees' needs not only enhances their well-being but also contributes to our company's success.

Blick in einen Arbeitsraum von queo Dresden. Die Entwickler sitzen an ihren Tischen und arbeiten. Es stehen Pflanzen auf den Regalen.

"For us, New Work means a way of thinking that emphasises the continuous improvement of our work structure and actively involves employees."

Lena Best, Director of Corporate Development

Our new work initiatives

Embracing New Work necessitates a culture of adaptability at all levels of the organization. Change has always been a core part of queo's culture, prompting us to explore effective change management strategies early on. Of course, we still make mistakes along the way. And yet we benefit from our efforts today. Not only because our employees are more open to making changes and taking risks. But also because this mindset has positioned us as early adopters of technological innovations, allowing us to leverage new opportunities effectively.

How has this helped us put life into New Work?

Eine etwa 30 jährige Frau und ein etwa 40 jähriger Mann stehen vor einem großen Bildschirm. Der Mann hat ein Mirkophon in der Hand. Auf der Bildschirm steht der Text: Die Kunst frei zu sein Aus dem Praxisalltag selbstorganisierter Teams"


To address the complexity, we have enhanced the dynamism of our work organization and shifted towards self-organization. This transition required us to reinforce individual accountability and embrace agile work practices. It was a substantial change and a significant challenge, which we successfully navigated by introducing new management principles and enhancing skills like self-management and emotional intelligence through innovative training formats.

Einblick in einen Arbeitsraum bei queo in Dresden. Es stehen viele Pflanzen auf den weißen Regalen. Ein Mitarbeiter sitzt an einem Tisch und schaut auf seinen Bildschirm. Er telefoniert mit Video.

Globally connected

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees now seek the freedom to work for their employers from anywhere in the world. However, fewer employers are willing to guarantee this level of freedom on a long-term basis. Our ability to adapt has allowed us to offer full freedom of choice to this day, reflecting the positive experiences we have had with hybrid work.

Ein etwa 40 jähriger queo Mitarbeiter hält einen Vortrag. Auf der Beamerfläche steht der Text: Alles KI-Hype oder disruptive Technologie.

The superhero power of generative AI

The advancing automation and the widespread use of AI, which are now on everyone's minds and are causing sceptics to create major horror scenarios, found their way into our company at an early stage. Naturally, we have integrated the first new possibilities into our day-to-day work in order to work more efficiently and offer new services that were previously unthinkable. As a result, we can already offer our customers entirely new solutions.


Exchange of ideas and new perspectives

As we believe that shared perspectives lead to the best results, we not only enjoy being sparring partners ourselves but actively seek dialogue with partner companies who share our mindset. We invite others to engage in this exchange with us and regularly share our expertise in workshops and keynotes on topics such as New Work, self-organization, and AI.

We look forward to shaping the future world of work together with companies that are eager to explore new paths. And when we look back and see that our efforts have truly impacted people - that authentic change has taken place - then we feel once again: Together, there is always a way.

Do you have questions or ideas?

Potrait von Lena Best. Sie sitzt an einem Tisch und schaut in die Kamera.
Lena Best
Director of Corporate Development
+49 351 213038 940l.best@queo-group.com