What do Solothurn and Dresden have in common? Both cities are surrounded by nature and mountains and are situated on beautiful rivers: The Aare and the Elbe. Both are among the most impressive baroque cities in their respective countries. And both cities have queos working at the intersection of communication and technology. In this story, Birgit takes us on a tour of the offices of queo swiss AG.

Her route to work takes the Swiss queos to Rosenweg and to the third floor of a modern office building. It's just a stone's throw from Solothurn's old town.

Fünf unserer Mitarbeiter sitzen beisammen an einem Konferenztisch. Hinter ihnen befindet sich ein großer Monitor. Sie schauen alle nachdenklich. Text im Bild: Vom Status quo zum Status qeuo.

"I like the fact that our office is so light and tidy. Some of the queos have fixed workstations, while others work at shared workstations," says Birgit. The view is particularly nice. From the office window, Birgit shows us St Ursus Cathedral, the city's landmark, the Jura mountains and the River Aare, which runs right through the city. Thanks to the good weather, we can even see the Bernese Alps. "This view has often inspired me.

queo has been present in Switzerland since the beginning of 2017. After several projects in the Swiss market, the cooperation was further intensified through a joint brand identity under the queo umbrella and the former consulting boutique was renamed queo swiss AG.

"As queo, we can now offer software solutions from A to Z from a single source. This is a great advantage for our customers and for us. We can not only support our customers strategically and conceptually, but we can also implement, introduce and iteratively develop the solutions.


At queo in Switzerland, the focus is entirely on digital transformation through innovative software and integration solutions. "We work in agile, interdisciplinary teams," explains Birgit. "We combine different methods and expertise to be able to respond optimally to each customer."

Viele unserer Mitarbeitenden sitzen beisammen an einem Tisch mit Essen und Getränken. Bei sonnigem Wetter. Im Hintergrund ist eine Weide zu erkennen.

The Swiss queos like to spend their evenings in the old town. "We have lots of restaurants, so we can always go somewhere new to eat. And in the summer we sit by the Aare. There's a harbour bar there that I personally like very much. We always give the Dresden queens a tour of the city on their first visit, so they know how we work," says Birgit. "Even I learned a lot there, and I'm from the area. And so Birgit concludes by telling us her favourite Solothurn trivia: "The number 11 has a special meaning in Solothurn. There are eleven wells and eleven churches. There are always eleven landings and eleven columns in St Ursus Cathedral. And the Solothurn beer is called 'Öufi', or 'eleven' in the dialect. It's worth remembering that just to taste it.